Tuesday 1 December 2020

Essays in Honor of Karl Reber

ἀποβάτης – A collection of Essays in Honor of Karl Reber

A collection of essays was offered on Thursday 25th of February to Karl Reber, Director of the Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece since 2007 and Professor of Classical Archaeology at the University of Lausanne between 2005 and 2020. The volume, entitled ἀποβάτης, collects twenty-three contributions by his former students devoted to ancient finds, recent discoveries and new ideas on the ancient city of Eretria, the nearby sanctuary of Artemis Amarysia and the Euboean countryside from the Mycenaean to the Imperial period. The entire book is already available online in open acces.

Guy Ackermann – Tobias Krapf – Laureline Pop (eds), ἀποβάτης. Mélanges eubéens offerts à Karl Reber par ses étudiant·e·s à l’occasion de son 65ème anniversaire – Euböische Schriften für Karl Reber von seinen Student/-innen aus Anlass seines 65. Geburtstags (Lausanne 2020)
